Become An Instructor
Uniseo is looking for instructors in areas related to Internet marketing, web programming, e-commerce, and related themes. If you would like to be considered to join our team of qualified experts, please contact us today.
General Requirements
- Teaching experience
- Demonstration of mastery of your chosen topic
How to Apply
- Send an email with a brief introduction of yourself and what you are qualified to teach
- Attach a CV/Resumé
- Send a link to your website (if applicable)
- Provide at least 2 letters of recommendation
- Explain who your target audience is (and try to show that there is a clear demand for the topic you want to teach)
- Please do not call
Some of the topics that we intend to add to our list include:
- For every topic we teach in English, we need a French instructor
- Advanced WordPress Topics
- Web Analytics (Google Analytics, AW Stats, etc)
- Pay Per Click
- Drupal
- Joomla
- Email marketing
- Marketing with Twitter
- Social Media Marketing
- Blogging
Contact us today to find out how you can learn from experts in the industry.