Internet Marketing Training Centre
Welcome to the first Internet Marketing Training Centre of its kind in Canada. Our team has been training people just like you since the 1990s. We proudly offer an extensive array of professional courses, seminars, customized classes, workshops, guest lectures, keynote speakers, and other educational programs.
Cutting Edge Training
We proudly stand out as the top educational source of its kind in Montreal. Here are a just few important reasons:
Leading Edge
Educational institutions can’t keep up with the latest information as well as we can because they offer fixed agendas that rarely change. For example, a college professor might ask students to read a book that was out-dated by the time the course took place. Thanks to our highly flexible format, we remain a leading edge source of information and adapt to changes as they happen (and they happen constantly!).
Real-world Experts
Our instructors are real-world experts who work as leading edge. In the web industry, your career dies off pretty quickly if you aren’t up to date. Our instructors are the ones who train the trainers with examples from their experiences and work in the field.
Truly Unique
We challenge you to find another organization with our unique approach and such a high caliber of experienced educators.
Advance Your Knowledge
We work with individuals, organizations, companies, executives, agencies, decision makers, educational institutions, and others looking for qualified training and to advance their knowledge. We’re training the next generation of competitors with a slant towards growing the industry with integrity.
Contact us today to find out how you can learn from experts in the industry.