Search Engine Optimization Training
Our professional search engine optimization training courses are designed and taught by a university professor known for his ability to break down complex information into something that is easily understood. No other search engine optimization company in the world can say that. Since SEO is not taught in any school, those seeking training must rely on the few companies willing to teach their skills.
SEO training is similar to our search engine optimization consultations but it goes much more in-depth and is meant to be applicable to every website a web designer or business owner would encounter. During the SEO training classes we teach the basics and work our way into the finer details. In contrast, SEO consulting is meant to discuss a particular website, determine why it ranks poorly and develop a strategy to get the most out of it.
Will You Benefit from SEO Training?
Do you fit into any of the following? If so, you will benefit from our SEO training classes:
- Webmasters who want to offer optimization and marketing as a service to their clients.
- Small business owners who are relatively hands-on with their websites.
- Corporate website development teams who need to re-do their website
- Company owners who supervise their web designers and Internet marketing.
- Businesses looking to increase traffic without outsourcing their web work.
- SEO web copywriters who want to learn how to write for the search engines.
- Companies looking for new ideas on how to market their website.
- Individuals who want to learn about SEO for their own personal knowledge
We have provided SEO training to all of the above and can teach you to get more out of your website. Please contact us for more information or to get started.
Search Engine Optimization Certification
There is a booming demand for website optimization specialists and related marketing skills. No colleges or universities offer search engine optimization certification courses. However, with our approach, you will be taught by a university professor with an impressive track record and training experience. He will teach you in the same manner as having attended a specialized school.
Learn Our Trade Secrets
We are one of the most successful SEO companies and we will teach you our trade secrets. Properly implemented SEO is an effective way to increase the bottom line. We have spent years testing various techniques, and through trial and error, have come up with the most effficient ways to optimize websites. Of these, some remain stable while others change yet we are always on top of the latest trends in SEO.
We have our own copyrighted SEO training methods which have proven extremely successful. As you should expect, universities only hire the best to teach courses and that’s what you get when you hire us.
Overview of Our SEO Training Classes
Here is a general guide to our training sessions:
On-site Optimization
- Keywording: How to choose the best keywords.
- Structuring a website the way search engines want to see it.
- Web content writing & SEO
- HTML tag optimization
- SEO & E-commerce
Off-site Optimization (Linking)
- What are the following and how important are they: PageRank, Alexa, etc…
- How to get websites to link to yours
- How you can take advantage of high power links
Conversion Tracking
- Visitor log file analysis to see who visits and how to take advantage of the info
- Which techniques get people to call more frequently, sign up for your newsletter, etc
- What methods increase sales
Marketing The Website
- Marketing strategies for your company
- What are the best pay per click techniques? How do they work with SEO?
- Determing who your competition is and how to get on top of them
- How to get free publicity that makes both people and search engines take notice
We train you and your website development team how to optimize all types of websites, as requested by you the webmaster or business owner. We have NEVER disappointed any of our students. Please contact us to become another satisfied client.
In-house SEO Training
We offer on-site in-house SEO training for companies in any location. These SEO training seminars can run anywhere from one to several days, depending on the topics being covered and the depth you request. A two-day minimum is ideal. Please visit the in-house training seminars page for more details.
Search Engine Optimization Training Seminars
Our next search engine optimization training seminar is currently not scheduled. However, if you are looking for training , we offer two options. First, we can train you on a one-on-one basis. Second, you can place your name on the list of interested students, web designers, and business owners. We will contact you once we have our next scheduled training seminar in place.
We have trained web designers across the US and Canada and can teach you the fine details of SEO that you won’t find anywhere else. We also help you figure out how to market your skills as an SEO web designer.
SEO Training Reality
The vast majority of web design and search engine optimization companies will never agree to training for fear that they will lose business. Moreover, most search engine optimizers don’t know what they are doing or how to approach SEO in a systematic way, much less offer training.
Training web designers on SEO techniques takes a lot of educational practice. We have taught everyone from the lay-person to university-educated professionals and would be happy to teach you as well! We are so confident of our knowledge and unique, effective approach that we are willing to teach what we know, even it means giving up our trade secrets.
How Our Search Engine Training Works
For over-the-phone training, we send you an outline of our unique copyrighted approach. This involves some “homework” to do before the classes begin. We will then call you at a scheduled time and go through the outline. Each outline is custom-made for you and the websites that you want to discuss (such as your own website, your clients, or a website you have in mind).
Our SEO training courses are as detailed as you want them to be. We assure you that you will learn a LOT more than you think. In fact, our training approach is so successful that many webmasters return for hands-on supervision for some of their projects, as well as more training in an area they feel is a weakness.
Our service is friendly, helpful, polite, and knowledge-based. Please contact us for more information on our search engine optimization training services.